Thursday, April 3, 2008

SF Cartoonist Show

Hey all! If any of you loyal readers are in, or will be, in the Sioux Falls area the next few weeks, then check out the traveling Sioux Falls Cartoonist's Exhibit. The first stop is at "Michelle's" coffee shop, downtown at 12th & Phillips. Then it moves to Black Sheep Coffee at the end of the month. Go out and support us starving artists!! and it may not say it, but I'd sure be willing to let some art lover go home with one of my prints...for a decent cost, of course! :)


Macchiatto said...


Andrea said...

Montie, I'm so happy for you! I would so totally be there is I was there. But I am here! So, I'm there at your how in heart. You should put some of your exhibits on your blog. :) Gooooo Lamont!